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Tacking tools: Prebena Staple gun VZ 10
Tacking tools: Prebena Staple gun VZ 10

Prebena Staple gun VZ 10

278,75 kr.
inc VAT
from 3 items:
258,75 kr.
from 6 items:
238,75 kr.
Delivery time approx. 3-6 working days
Prebena Staple gun VZ 10
278,75 kr.
inc VAT

Tacking tools: Prebena Staple gun VZ 10
Uses staples type „VZ“ from 6 to 10 mm, loading capacity of 140 staples. The easy load staple gun is especially user friendly due to great handling and easily operated with minimal strength. Suitable for light jobs, such as shingles, tar-board, felt etc.
Length: 28, 5 cm, weight: 500 g

Additional information

Purchase advice

Engelbert Strauss ApS

70 20 91 18
70 20 91 19

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All prices plus VAT